This blanket is necessary for the anatomical fitting of the saddle according to the shape of your horse’s back. It is made on the basis of different types of felt blankets. It is used


  • while bouncing or saddle swinging on the horse’s back;

  • with a curved back;

  • with an asymmetrical horse back;

  • with a low front or back position of the saddle on the horse’s back.анатомический вальтрап

With the help of such felt blanket you can professionally fit the saddle for walks, races or sports on your horse’s back yourselves.

While using this saddle the correct anatomical balancing is achieved what gives an equal distribution of the weight according to the back shape of the horse.

The blanket has got regulating pouches with three insets in every pouch. The insets are made of nonwoven fabric which is four millimeters long. By adding or taking the insets off you may achieve the required result.

Also, we offer you the service of engraving on the saddles, saddle-bags or complete sets. The engraving is performed by a professional artist. It is possible to be made on your sketches.

вальтрап анатомический